Radiation Protection of workers

Interventional radiology


No prerequisites required to participate in this training.

  • Temps


  • Périodicité

    3 years

  • Formats


  • Participants

    1 login per person

Target audience

Workers classified according to Article R.4451-57 of the Code du travail (including those who are their own employer).



  • Identify the characteristics of ionizing radiation and its effects on health.
  • Mention the potentially harmful effects of exposure to radiation on the embryo, particularly during the early stages of pregnancy, and on the unborn child, and explain the necessity of declaring a pregnancy as early as possible.
  • Describe and apply the principles of radioprotection and the rules for protection against external and internal exposure.
  • Identify the regulatory requirements in terms of radioprotection for exposed individuals.
  • Identify the modalities of monitoring individual exposure and accessing dosimetric results, and the special rules established for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, workers under 18 years of age, workers on fixed-term contracts (CDD), and temporary workers.
  • Apply the rules for accessing zones.
  • Identify the actors involved in radioprotection within and outside the establishment and their roles.
  • Describe and apply the procedures to follow in case of an accident or incident.
  • Lire le programme
Pedagogical tools
  • Theoretical presentations
  • Affirmative and interrogative teaching techniques
  • Animations
  • Exercises in the form of MCQs, text to complete, etc.
  • Downloadable training booklet at the end of the course

Compliant with Decree No. 2018-437 of June 4, 2018, concerning the protection of workers against risks due to ionizing radiation.

Radiation Protection of workers Interventional radiology

Radiation Protection of workers (Interventional radiology)

This training is available through e-learning, order your login now.

One login per person

Online access: 6 months from the date of purchase

Prix TTC

60 €

Demande de devis

    les conditions d'utilisation * Champs obligatoires
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Nos certifications

Notre agrément ASN nous permet d’être un organisme agréé pour répondre aux normes que nécessitent les contrôles et la veille en matière de sûreté en radioprotection.

C2i santé est également Organisme Compétent en Radioprotection (OCR). Cette certification démontre l’engagement/expertise de notre société dans l’accompagnement des établissements de santé.

Notre certification ISO 9001 : 2015 est un gage de qualité car elle met en avant nos garanties en termes de qualité organisationnelle et notre système d’amélioration continue mis en place au sein de l’entreprise.

La certification qualité Qualiopi a été délivrée à C2i santé pour ses actions de formation. Pour télécharger le certificat, cliquez ici.

Toutes ces certifications nous permettent aujourd’hui de proposer un accompagnement 360° à notre client (maîtriser le risque radiologique, améliorer la qualité des soins & protéger les travailleurs).

Notre politique qualité
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